About Christine Friesel

Christine Friesel studied English and creative writing at Hanover College, where she served as editor and frequent contributor for its literary magazine, Kennings. After earning an MLS from Indiana University, she went to work at the public library, where she honed her skills in research and genealogy. She is the editor for Charley Brother, LLC, a content company seeded with a literary works by her great-grandmother, Frances Toyne (1880-1862) and the papers of her great great grandfather, Civil War Marine Charles Brother (1844-1917). She is the author of The Boys of Bath: The Civil War Diary of Pvt. Charles Brother, USMC, a biography of Toyne’s father. Friesel is the editor of Moving Back: Poem & Stories by Frances Toyne. Her first novel, The Orphan Girls of Bath, was published in 2022.